I believe that if you look your best, you feel your best – at the Medi-Shed, patients get the spring back in their step through my unique and professional approach of expert skincare and natural-looking aesthetic tweakments. It's about reputation, expertise and confidence that makes The Medished what is it today from its humble beginnings.
My reputation is your experience
Reputation is key to the success of my clients overall experience of their medical skincare programmes. I'm committed to ensure outstanding patient outcomes using the highest quality and scientifically-proven products and services. My patients have spread the word and recommended their friends to The Medished for which I am truly very, very grateful. This has built a reputation not only as a place to go and relax / be pampered – but most of all, to get really amazing results for skin health and wellness. I like to encourage my patients to give themselves ‘permission’ to take care of themselves.
I combine my excellent understanding of facial anatomy and medical knowledge with an artistic eye – my skill lies in assessing your features and proportions and creating the right treatment approach based on your individual needs and concerns. I will only advise treatments that I feel is in your best interests.

Expertise - it's what my clients expect
There are many local services that offer skincare products, treatments and services. I feel what you need most is the experience or medical knowhow on how to deliver the correct medical grade skincare product or bespoke treatment that would be suitable to each patient. It's also important that you see the same practitioner so you can build trust. This is especially important if there is a complication that needs managing. Remember medical aesthetics procedures are not beauty treatments. You're in safe hands with my medical background and hippocratic oath – over 24 years of medical practice and aesthetic trainer background. I hope my patients feel reassured that they are in safe hands, and that I provide a service which is bespoke to them.

Confidence - it's why I get up everyday - to see my clients walk away feeling great
This is the reflective look and feel of The Medished, the warm comfortable surroundings that make you feel at ease, at one with yourself and, a wellness boost knowing that the right treatment will make you feel confident in yourself.
I want my patients to feel confident in their own skin – that their results look natural, not ‘done’ and that their skin health is being looked after by an expert! I try to engage with people on a personal level, and take the time to understand the bigger picture of their concerns and help build a lasting relationship – it’s never a ‘diagnose – treat’ mindset.
I love taking my patients on a journey to become the best versions of themselves: I combine my years of medical aesthetic expertise with tailored skincare regimes, medical grade skincare and injectable ‘tweakments’ for a natural, yet beautiful result.
I hope to see you soon at The Medished:)
With Love,
Dil x